They can now! There are a few payment processors now that will allow you to use a Credit or Debit card
to buy your everyday goods and services.
Usually when this happens, this is because you are part of an exchange that will issue you a Visa or
Mastercard that allows you to make purchases. When the purchases are made, the crypto is traded for
native currency, a fee is applied, and the transaction is completed.
This offers many people a great incentive to keep their assets on an exchange. I also always like to keep
a small amount on exchanges in order to use these credit/debit cards.
I will always keep small amounts on exchanges because I like having the option to use crypto to buy
something. I only leave what I am willing to lose though! If you are unwilling to lose something, keep it
off an exchange. An exchange is like a bank, but shit moves much quicker.
For anyone paying attention, banks and especially central banks go under at some point in time. Many
have been lulled into believing that the central banking system will always be there and correctly
functioning. This is not my line of thinking though.
Luckily Meta 1 fixes this situation. Meta 1, which is a crypto asset backed up by physical gold, precious
metals, and many other assets, just released a Mastercard option that allows their users to buy
something and use crypto with the purchase.
When purchases are made, the currencies are automatically changed over from the native currency
to/from the Meta 1.
This offers much amounts of liquidity.
Get YOUR Meta 1 Debit Mastercard NOW! Click HERE to get started!