(If you read the article about sending Crypto, skip the first half of this article)
The ability to receive and send Crypto Assets/Currencies is the most important thing to know how to do. This can make or break you if you are new to Crypto. If this part is done incorrectly, you will lose your Assets and there is no one that can help you to get them back. Luckily this part is very easy, IF it is done correctly.
For someone that is just getting into Crypto this is the first step to take. The very first thing you will need to do is set up a crypto wallet.
There are many different companies in cyber-space that have wallets that can be set up in minutes. Some of these include Coinbase, Trust Wallet, Binance, Uphold, Meta1 Exchange, and so many others.
Once you choose where you want to go, start an account, and purchase a Crypto Asset/Currency to fund your wallet with.
From the dashboard (of any crypto wallet) there should be a tab or section called Receive or Deposit. Click that section and there should be an address for EACH unique Crypto Asset/Currency on that wallet/exchange. Below are some examples of what the Receive section will look like on Meta 1 and Coinbase.
There is also a QR code that you can download that will take users to same address as the unique address. Using the QR code on your website or printing it on a business card will make transactions much easier for customers instead of sharing the address.
The address is a long complex set of letters and numbers. If ANYTHING is off, the transaction will fail and you assets will be lost and irretrievable. The address is shown below each QR code.
If the option is available, always have a small amount of crypto sent in the first transaction. This will save you from ever having to experience what it is like to lose your Assets.
Good Luck with setting up your ability to Receive Crypto Assets/Currencies!