(If you read the article about Receiving Crypto, skip the first half of this article)
The ability to receive and send Crypto Assets/Currencies is the most important thing to know how to do. This can make or break you if you are new to Crypto. If this part is done incorrectly, you will lose your Assets and there is no one that can help you to get them back. Luckily this part is very easy, IF it is done correctly.
For someone that is just getting into Crypto this is the first step to take. The very first thing you will need to do is set up a crypto wallet.
There are many different companies in cyber-space that have wallets that can be set up in minutes. Some of these include Coinbase, Trust Wallet, Binance, Uphold, Meta1 Exchange, and so many others.
Once you choose where you want to go, start an account, and choose a Crypto Asset/Currency to fund your wallet with.
When you want to send a company or individual a payment in the for of Crypto Assets/Currency it can be done easily, and it takes minutes.
The first thing you need is their address or QR code. Using the QR may be the best way send the payment. This will ensure that none of the letters or numbers are incorrect.
Once you have this you can go back to your wallet dashboard and choose the tab that says “Send / Receive” (shown below). This will allow you to choose a Crypto Asset/Currency to send to an address. This address can be copy and pasted into the address section or you can scan the QR code. Next you will choose the amount to send. Usually this will be measured in whatever currency you choose. If you want to send $20 or $200,000 worth or Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Meta1 Coin, or any asset of your choosing, it can be done just as easily and take about the same amount of time.
Below shows a picture of what you will see when you choose “Send”. As you can see, you will be able to choose the amount you want to send, the asset you want to use, the address to send it to (QR scanner should be available), and there is room for a note. Most of the time you can use the Note function to add a name or order number. If it is possible, send a small amount of Crypto Assets/Currency on the first transaction to make sure you have the right address.
There are a lot of people online that have websites they sell products through. Be very careful when sending payments because If you get frauded it is extremely difficult if not impossible to get your Assets back.
Good Luck sending payments!